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学生的成绩 at the 九州体育博彩bet9

As an institution accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges 和 Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC), the 九州体育博彩bet9 (UWF) is obligated to provide to its students, 成分, 和 the public information about “its goals for student achievement 和 the success of students in achieving those goals. Information on student success may include reliable information on retention, 毕业, 课程完成, 许可考试, 和 job placement rates 和 other measures of student success appropriate to institutional mission.”

An integral part of UWF的使命 is to enhance educational access 和 attainment, 以及 personal 和 professional development, for its undergraduate 和 graduate students. Both UWF 和 the Board of Governors for the State University System (SUS) of Florida closely monitor the University’s student access 和成就 goals, 以及实际表现, through a variety of metrics (e.g., 九州体育博彩bet9, 留校率和毕业率, percent of 学士 degrees awarded without excess hours, 平均到度时间, 每年颁发的学位, 学士 degrees awarded to minorities, degrees awarded in programs of strategic emphasis, 执照考试通过率, percent of 学士 graduates employed or continuing their education, median salaries of baccalaureate graduates, 等.).

UWF的使命战略计划 作为基础, the University Planning 和 Accountability University Work Plan 和 Annual Accountability 报告 provide venues for establishing targets, 评估性能, 和 ultimately improving performance on metrics associated with student access, 进展, 和成就. 九州体育博彩bet9, in collaboration with the Board of Governors, establishes thresholds for success. UWF’s Board of Trustees also establishes targets 和 monitors the University’s performance on other Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) related to the University’s mission 和 strategic priorities.

UWF regularly monitors 和 assesses the educational attainment of its students through a variety of other means, including the examination of rates of successful 课程完成, more in-depth analyses of progress 和 success patterns for different sub-populations of students, 和 licensure/certification examination pass rates for students in various disciplines. 另外, UWF administers survey questionnaires to both enrolled students 和 alumni to ensure that their perceptions of the services provided by the University are aligned to the students’ academic 和 support needs. Using data from these 和 other sources to inform the development 和 refinement of strategies 和 programs to promote student success is a UWF priority. 例如,请参阅UWF 2014 Response to Federal Requirement 4.1 (SACSCOC).

In addition to establishing goals for student achievement 和 monitoring the success of students in achieving those goals at the institutional level, UWF also establishes student learning goals more specific to each educational program. The expected student learning outcomes fall within five domains: (1) discipline knowledge 和 skills, (2)沟通, (3)批判性思维, (4)完整性/值, (5)项目管理. At UWF, core student learning goals for undergraduate programs are captured in 学术学习契约 还有研究生课程 学术学习计划. Responsibility for reporting on assessments for each of UWF’s educational programs has been assigned to a specific planning unit (i.e.,学术部门). Educational programs at UWF include associate’s, 学士, 硕士, 专家, 以及博士学位项目, 以及 undergraduate 和 graduate certificate programs. UWF also assesses its General Studies program 和 its st和-alone minors. Academic departments develop supplemental objectives 和 related assessment plans that address student learning outcomes for all educational programs, 通识教育要素, 和 st和-alone minors for which they are responsible.

Core 资源 Regarding UWF’s 学生的成绩 Goals 和 Performance:



Institutional Planning 和 Accountability

UWF’s Key Performance Indicators


佛罗里达的教育 & Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP)

Unit-Level Planning 和 Assessment

Center for University Teaching, Learning, 和 Assessment

2014 Response to Federal Requirement 4.1 (SACSCOC)